Friday, August 19
Aug. 19 Fri.
"come a little closer flicker in flight
we'll have about an inch's space
but i'm here
i can breathe in
what you breathe out
let me know if i'm doing this right
let me know if my grip's too tight
let me know if i can stay all of my life
let me know if dreams can come true
let me know if this one's yours too
coz' i see it
and i feel it
right here
and i feel you
right here
the vacuous night
steps aside to give meaning
to Gemini’s dreaming
the moon on its back
and the seemingly
veiled room's lit
by the same star.." -Gemini
I don’t feel so good..
I feel oddly safe, though..which is bad.
Safe is when I can snuggle in my tiny rut, knowing there’s no going up or forward..just here..
Sad, but home. Time has made it into the only home I can imagine.
Something’s coming..gonna happen..already happening..
Paranoia? I sure as hell hope so.
Coz even in my dream - as I carried my child in my womb, with that long-taloned creature scraping to steal my baby – I was ready.
I knew I was going to die somehow.
I wasn’t afraid. I knew I could protect that tiny heartbeat..and in so doing, live forever.
I’ll stay in the rut. Thank’s for letting me back down here ever so gently..
Whoever you are.