Wednesday, September 15
Sept. 15 Wed.
"Its how I..cope." –me
CLE period..
Ms Grace: "Since Jesus is the primodial sacrament..what do you call the Church?"
Us: "Er.." *scratches heads* "Miss, first letter!"
Ms Grace: "Alright..letter F!" *writes letter F on board*
Us: "First"
Ms Grace: "Wrong.."
Us: *gives other possible F words*
Ms Grace: "No..sorry..wrong..nope.."
Me: *pause* *grins* "FRIMARY!"
Everyone: *roars with laughter*
Nina: *whacks me with her folder*
Me: *sinks into chair, laughing my head off*
Geom period..
Sir Mitra: "Does anybody know the answer..?"
Me: *raises hand*
Sir Mitra: *turns to me* "Yes, miss.." *looks at my ID* "Miss GROWEE VITAMINS?"
Class: *rolls on floor, laughing*
Me: *slaps hand to forehead* "Siiirr!"
Giselle: "O, soiree na naming sa Saturday.."
Steph: "Haha, oo nga eh..kasabay ng section nina Anne at Celine.."
Maika: "Waha, sana maka abot ako!"
Them: *laughs* "Sana cute yung mga guys!"
Me: *tucks hair behind ear* "Like, ohmigosh.. Soiree na nga pala naming sa Saturday!" *claps hands* "Ayyy, I cant wait!" *giggles*
Them: *blinks* *stares at me*
Me: "O, whatsa matter? As if naman imposible akong maging masaya, diba?" *bats eyes*
Them: *tilts head*
Maika: *mumbles to the others* "Sa bahay yan mag-eemote."
Them: *nods* *continues walking*
Me: *blinks* "KORNS! ANSAMA NYOOOO!" *laughs*
Beija: "Hey, just missed Sop!"
Me: *blinks* *lowers gaze*
Me: *looks up* *smiles* "Ah, sayang! sure she was happy with you guys kanina..and there’s always a next time, right?"
Beija: "Right.."
Me: *laughs* "Ah, but I saw her..sha ba yung naka-pigtails?"
Beija: *laughs* "Yep, thats her!"
Me: "Naka..ang cute!" *roars with laughter*
Me: *reads blogs, searches the net*
Me: *lowers gaze* *tries to breathe normally* *closes eyes*
(after a while)
Me: *turns off the comp*
Ate Wilma: *looks at me* "Aba..himala ata ah.."
Me: *blinks* "Hah? Baket?"
Ate Wilma: "Kasi gantong oras, umiiyak ka na nang tahimik sa kwarto mo.."
Me: *smiles* "Ay, ate talaga! Haha..di na uso yun sakin..masaya na ako!" *turns on the radio and dances to the beat*
Ate Wilma: *blinks* *laughs*
Im starting to like the way people are happy seeing me being happy.
And I just LOVE the way..
Im melting into my own mask of fake happiness.