Saturday, September 11

Sept. 11 Sat.
"O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!" - Lemmel


"Our Savior does not cast us off
Because we fail to stand the test;
Instead, He draws us back through love
That in Him we may find our rest." - D. De Haan


"When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
'It is well, it is well with my soul.'" - Spafford


"If you’d like to know the love of God the Father,
Come to Him through Jesus Christ, His only Son;
He’ll forgive your sins and save your soul forever,
And you’ll love forevermore this faithful One." - Felten


"Whenever life becomes unfair
And human judgments fail,
Remember, God will right all wrongs,
His justice will prevail." - Sper


"I love to dwell upon the thought
That Jesus cares for me;
It matters not what life may bring,
He loves me tenderly." - Adams


"Under His wings I am safely abiding,
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild;
Still I can trust Him, I know He will keep me,
He has redeemed me and I am His child." - Sankey


"From seeds of envy in the heart
Spring up the noxious weeds of hate;
So help me, Lord, to love the one
Whom I find hard to tolerate." - D. De Haan


"Think not your work of no account
Although it may be small;
The Lord marks well your faithfulness
He knows you gave your all." - D. De Haan


"He knows our burdens and our crosses,
Those things that hurt, our trials and losses;
He cares for every sould that cries,
God wipes the tears from weeping eyes." - Brandt



Why, I asked.





Its coz im not worth more than this.

I dont deserve anything more than what I get.


Simple as that.

And yknow what?

That fact just made everything clearer.



I felt my muscles ache with the effect of last night's overdose..

And I knew.


Theres something more to my life that I still cant see.

And life is too short..

And the few seconds right after I tilted my head back, and swallowed the bitter tickets to sweet, sweet escape..

I relived my whole lifetime.


There were those who wouldn't give up hoping for me..

And there were those who didn’t take me seriously at all.

And there were those who were just too happy to even notice.


But I still lived.

I still woke up.


I loved them all.


Simple as that.